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Job Opportunity @ VBC

For our SFB (Special Research Program) on Stem Cell Modulation in Neural Development and Regeneration we are searching for a Scientific Project Manager.

Who we are

SFBs are joint research projects uniting multiple research groups with complementary interests to work towards addressing a common scientific problem. Our SFB consists of twelve research groups from IMBA (Coordinator: Jürgen Knoblich, Elly Tanaka, Noelia Urban, Sofia Grade), University of Vienna (Kristin Tessmar-Raible, Florian Raible), ISTA (Gaia Novarino, Simon Hippenmeyer, Anna Kicheva, Lora Sweeeney, University of Innsbruck (Frank Edenhofer) and Medical University of Vienna (Igor Adameyko).

Our goal

The second funding phase of our SFB aims at investigating how the generated neurons are temporally modulated by extrinsic and intrinsic factors while adopting the different functions of the nervous system. We aim at characterizing the mechanisms that regulate temporal identity in neural stem cells during differentiation, and their modulation by extrinsic factors. We integrate research on neural stem cells and CNS development in Austria, connecting some of the most visible research institutes in this area.

Scientific Project Manager

The Scientific Project Manager will coordinate all scientific and training activities within the SFB. Core tasks will include the arrangement of conferences, facilitation of scientific interaction, monitoring of collaborations, support of public relations activities, and the establishment of lecture courses, seminar series and joint symposia.

What we are looking for

We are searching for an enthusiastic and interactive scientist at the post-doctoral level. Candidates should be fluent in English, have excellent interaction and writing skills and hold a degree in biology or a related subject. A background in stem cells, neuroscience or development is ideal, but not a prerequisite. Good knowledge of German is an advantage.

What we offer

We offer a highly interactive and multi-disciplinary working environment in one of the most exciting areas of modern biology at the interface of stem cell research and neuroscience. Our multi-disciplinary research program ranging from invertebrate models to human organoids will expose the scientific manager to a wide range of approaches and techniques at the cutting edge of science.

The position is fully integrated into the IMBA and VBC scientific and administrative environment, comes with all benefits offered to IMBA employees and a salary at the post-doctoral level. Annual remuneration for this position is € 84.030 (according to the FWF salary scheme 2024), which includes the employer´s contribution (gross salary, full-time position). Part-time employment can also be considered. We aim to fill this position as soon as possible. The position is currently limited to February 2028 and an extension for a further funding period is possible.


Please upload your application documents containing CV, letter of motivation and names of two potential referees online. Interviews will be conducted on a rolling basis.

IMBA - Institut für Molekulare Biotechnologie GmbH;